ZOOMA Annapolis: The Next Big Thing

My marathon is in exactly one month from today.  Training has been intense and amazing.  Right now I am in the thick of it – running more miles than I ever have in all of my life.  Practicing race pace, working on perfecting my fueling strategies, building endurance.  Honing my speed.  My focus has been primarily on preparing for this race and getting to the start line strong and injury-free, ready to conquer my goal of breaking 3:40 and qualifying for Boston.

Thoughts of what I will do after my marathon haven’t really been top-of-mind for me exactly, but the Type A planner in me has to admit that they are there.  I feel pretty strongly that after I cross the finish line of the Rock n Roll USA Marathon it will be smart for me to take a step back from marathon training for a little while (until about mid June when I start training for my fall marathon).  The reasons are many: to give my body the break it needs to recover from the marathon, to give my family the break from all the weekend mornings of me gone for hours and hours, and to give my running a new focus – getting faster at shorter distances.

And I am really excited about my goal race for the late spring: The ZOOMA Annapolis Half Marathon on June 2nd.  I LOVE the 13.1 and seriously cannot wait to run a race with thousands of other women in a city I am crazy about.

What makes this even more exciting to me is that I have been selected to be an ambassador for this incredible race!  It will be my first time as a race ambassador and I could not be more thrilled or honored to do it.  As an ambassador, I will be leading weekly training runs for the next several months.  The runs will be a part of the lululemon run club runs I host at Reston Pilates every Sunday morning at 8:30AM.  We will begin each session with about 20 minutes of Pilates exercises and dynamic stretching and then get on the trail for our training run.  The ZOOMA event has both a half marathon and a 10k so I will be offering training support for both distances.  It is going to be a lot of fun!

We are looking for one more ambassador in northern Virginia, so if you live in the area and are interested please contact me and let me know!  You can email me at jessica.hofheimer@gmail.com.

Have you ever run the ZOOMA Annapolis race or any other ZOOMA races?  Have you ever been a race ambassador before?

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