Once I entered the real world and began working all day five days a week it became harder for me to find ways to stay in shape. Being a “gym rat” just wasn’t for me. Still isn’t. I played soccer on a co-ed indoor team for a few years but that was just one night a week, no practices. It was fun but not nearly enough to fuel my appetite for exercise or fitness. Once I found running and more specifically training and racing, I was hooked. After becoming a mother my soccer fell by the wayside (our games were always late at night and it just didn’t work for me anymore). Running fit in where and when I wanted it to because it was just up to me to make the time for it.
Now as a mother of three who exclusively nurses my almost 6 month old baby, I recognize in myself the same fire of dedication and determination that was within me as a 16 year old high school soccer player. Only this time, it IS for me and I know it. And my “team” is my family: I am (one of) their captain(s). I am taking care of myself and being the best me I can be by staying dedicated to my running and making it work for me and for my family. Yes, this has meant nursing my baby at 4:30AM and heading out the door by 5:30AM on weekdays so that I can be home by 7:00AM before my husband goes to work. It means doing the same on my Saturday mornings so I can beat the heat. My friends who don’t run truly think I am crazy. Today a friend at the gym actually called me an animal. Is that a compliment? I don’t know and I don’t care because the fact is that by now I know myself well enough to know that what others think of me doesn’t really matter so much and that I need to do what I need to do. And right now, that means that I need to RUN.