Lately I am slowing myself down. Taking stock of what’s important to me. Trying to find balance amidst all of the things that truly matter to me. I’m finding that the only way to do this is to focus on where I’m at in each given moment. If I look back, I get critical with the “shoulda-coulda-wouldas”, if I look too far ahead I totally miss out on the point of the moment because I’m feeling stressed and pressured by the hows and the whens and the what ifs.
The only place to truly BE is right where I am. The only time to be there is right now.
Last week I continued to run my mileage at an easy pace as I healed from my fall on the trails two weeks ago. I went to the track on Wednesday and decided to push myself a little. I didn’t give it everything I had because I was afraid my body wasn’t ready for that speed – but I ran faster than I had in ten days and it felt AMAZING. I was very aware of how my body felt and did not want to push myself too soon. It felt SO good to move fast, to feel my heart beating stronger. To honor and appreciate where I was at and to soak it all in. To appreciate the fact that I was running at all.
Running is such a gift. Such a blessing.
A healthy body is a blessing.
On Friday I went to see Dr. Wong again. He said things are looking good and that I should not be worried. I really don’t know what I would do without that guy. He has helped me so much over the last couple of years. I am so grateful to have him in my life! My body has been talking to me lately – the back and the glute feel practically 100% better now (which is awesome!) but I have a strange pain in my foot and knee when I first put on my shoes (it goes away after around a mile or so of running and then completely disappears). Dr. Wong says this is most likely due to changes in my stride from when my back and butt were tight and assures me it is safe to run.
the. best. |
Over the weekend I was able to get in two SOLID long runs. On Saturday I did 20 miles all at an easy comfortable pace (averaging right around 8:35). I honestly felt like I could have just run all day that day, it was such an amazing feeling. Oftentimes I like to do some faster pacing as part of my long runs but there is a lot of purpose to long, slow and easy distance runs. Plus, I think that is just what my body, my mind and my spirit REALLY need right now.