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To celebrate, we went out to a fancy (for us) dinner last night followed by Ben & Jerry’s. It was all delicious, but I completely ate things I hardly ever eat (lobster curry for dinner, dairy ice cream for dessert) and I had a bad stomach ache afterward. Ooops. It was yummy though and we were celebrating so it is ok, right? I eat a mostly vegan diet not only because I believe in it, but because it agrees with my stomach so much. Sometimes I make exceptions though, like when we are celebrating 9 years of marriage. I feel better today so it’s all good.
Tonight we leave for Virginia Beach. We’re heading to my in-laws’ house for one last taste of summer before school starts on Tuesday. I’m so excited to get my toes in the sand and play on the beach one last time. I’m also extremely excited about this trip because on Sunday I am RACING! And I mean it, I am really going to lay it all out on the line and race my strongest half marathon ever. I can’t wait, you guys. I’m working on a post all about my goals for this race and will share soon. Let’s just say that my current PR in the half is 1:55:47 and I am planning to knock a good chunk of time off of that, like more than 10 minutes if all goes as planned. WOOT!
Today is a big day for my 6 year old. We are heading to an open house at her new school, where she will start first grade next week. I am so proud of her!! It is a big school and she doesn’t know many kids there but this morning while we were cuddling she was telling me how she knows she will make lots of new friends. Her optimism is refreshing. I know she is scared about this big new change, but she is being so positive about it and focusing on the good stuff and I could not be more proud of her.
Today is also my rest day, which means I am not totally stinky in my running clothes like I was yesterday (seriously, yesterday I went to the track at 6AM, sweat like a MONSTER, and did not shower or change my clothes until almost 4PM! It was rather disgusting but it was just how things went). Anyway I am “rest day dressed” today which means two things 1) I am comfy yet somewhat fashion-y and 2) you get to see what I am wearing because I am a also a complete cheeseball.
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rest day dressed! |
I love this dress. Stripey, long and flowy and super comfortable. I’m wearing one of my Target tank tops under it because I basically wear those every day. You can’t see them, but I’m also wearing my charcoal gray TOMS with this outfit. Oh and I have my denim jacket just in case but not sure I will be needing that today.
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maybe a little too close of a close-up! |
I also am wearing a necklace I love. It has pretty pastel paper roses strung on it. It makes me happy. I’m wearing it in honor of Abby today because roses are her favorite flowers and we are celebrating her today as she is so brave and positive for her first grade open house. It will probably come as no surprise to you by now that both the necklace and the dress were purchased from the Anthropologie sale room (the necklace maybe a year ago, the dress earlier this summer). I need to buy stock in that store.
Ok so that’s that! Thank you so much for reading! Please come back and read about my race goals and strategy for my half this weekend. I hope to post it by tomorrow morning. I’m so excited!
Happy Thursday to all!!