Rest Day Dressed, SLEEP and Butterflies

My three things for Thursday:

Rest Day Dressed ~ It’s looking like Thursday is my official Rest Day this training cycle, which also means that it is the only day of the week that I’m not donning sweaty running clothes or yoga pants all day.  I love clothes, accessories, jewelry, shoes (the running and non-running variety) – but let’s face it on days that I run or workout I am living in clothes that I wear to do just that – SWEAT.  And mostly on those days I go all day before showering and then just change right into my jammies.  Let’s just say that despite feeling awesome on those days, I don’t usually look my best…

me most days, in my running clothes – smelly and sweaty

So come rest day, I embrace the opportunity to “put myself together” a little.   And I do mean just a little.  I follow some blogs that feature the sharing of non-running outfits and thought that I would share my own little ensemble just for kicks.   So here is me today – ready for a day full of carpooling to/from camp, taking my baby to the pediatrician for his 6 month check up (!), shuttling off to swim lessons and running errands to get supplies for my little business, Sugar Cone…The picture is blurry and at a horrible angle because my photographer is my 6 year old daughter.  I tried taking a full-body photo of myself and it was way worse than this, so until I can figure that one out Abby is my official picture-taker.

blurry me all dressed up
What I’m wearing: A Banana Republic skirt I have had for 3 years, two white “long & lean” ribbed tank tops from Target (I have a gazillion of these and pssssst they are currently on sale for $5 each!), my TOMS shoes which I love and a beaded necklace from Anthropologie (my favorite store on the planet).
Here is a better picture of the necklace.  Ooh you can also see that I am actually wearing a little blush, lip gloss and mascara… SO fancy!
ooo fancy lady
Now, you are probably thinking that I am a total weirdo for doing this.  I agree with you.  But, for some reason it makes me happy to see myself like this – and every Thursday for the past few weeks I have gotten comments from people I interact with (camp counselors, friends, my husband, even my kids) about how “dressed up” I am when I am not in my running clothes.  It is a cheap thrill.  So from now on I plan to post me “Rest Day Dressed” if not for your entertainment, then for mine.
Onto thing number 2, which is much more exciting to me:
SLEEP ~ My baby turned 6 months old this week.  He has never not ever slept through the night, until last night.  Add on the last few months of my pregnancy when I just wasn’t so comfy and we are talking a good 9 months of yours truly not getting a full night of shut-eye.  Last night Baby Gus slept for 12 hours.  12!!!!!  I put him to bed at 7pm and he woke up at 7am.  People let me tell you I feel like a different person today.  Sleep is magical and I would really like to make this a regular thing.
And finally, here is my third “thing” worth mentioning…
Butterflies ~ I don’t mean the pretty kind with wings that flit around the garden, I mean the kind that live in my tummy.   I’m feeling them a lot lately.  They tickle me from inside and bring a huge smile on my face but also make me feel a little weird.  Why?  Because every time I think about the upcoming races on my calendar and how I am going to run my heart out at each of them, I am an emotional girl.  I’m so so excited and also – I’m scared.  In my heart I know there is nothing to be afraid of, really, and that I need to respect and embrace every feeling I have about this.  I’m pouring myself into my running right now in a way that I never have before and I’m just so aware of how much it means to me.  I need to work through these feelings and remind myself every day of why I run, and that it is so not about any time on the clock.  It is about being the best me that I can be, feeding my soul and feeling alive.  These butterflies are a good thing….
Do you ever get “butterflies in your tummy” when you think about your upcoming races?

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