2018 is going to be a GOOD year.
The last couple of weeks have been great in my marathon-training world. I haven’t recapped here in a while because the holidays were just so busy! I worked a lot the last two weeks teaching Pilates and we had friends visiting us from out of town at both Christmas and NYE, so making the time to sit down and write fell pretty low on the priority list.
Training moved right along during all of that though I am grateful to say. I had one step-back week two weeks ago – pulling back on both my mileage intentionally. Weeks like this are key to my success as a runner. That week I did a 14 mile long run workout which was AWESOME:
6 miles easy
20 x 1:00 at threshold/1:00 easy running (about 5 miles of speed play/fartlek)
1 mile easy
2 miles at marathon pace
I was so happy to nail that one and run my two marathon paced miles in even splits at 7:47, 7:49.
The following week (last week) I did a similar workout, only that time it was 16 miles total and the intervals were different (90 seconds/90 seconds for the speed, 2 easy and then 3 at MP!).
In general, my training plan right now involves mostly easy running with one speed session on Tuesday OR Wednesday and a long run on Saturday. I am running 6 days a week, dedicating myself to regular Pilates, yoga and strength workouts, being diligent about foam rolling and physical therapy exercises (daily) and taking one TRUE rest day each week (usually Sunday). I am also making sure to both fuel and hydrate well for my running, something that I know is so important and is making a huge impact on how I am feeling. So far, so good. Last week I ran 56 miles total. I am really taking it one day, one week at a time and practicing listening to my body and doing all the little things that help me stay both connected to my priorities and open to my vision of what’s possible from this good, healthy foundation I have worked so very hard to cultivate.
Due to the crazy cold we are experiencing right now (temps in the teens and below …. that is COLD if you ask me!), my first run of 2018 was hammered out indoors on the treadmill. I met both Amy and Liz for this one though – so no complaints to be made! I am so thankful for these two women. The three of us are not going to let Old Man Winter freeze up our plans for an amazing year of running, friendship and all-around awesomeness!
Today I am probably going to do my run on the treadmill again, though I haven’t totally decided. My kids have a 2-hour school delay because of the cold, so we have a later start to our day as a result. I may get the run done outdoors – when the sun is shining!
I hope that all of you are having a great start to 2018!!!!