Happy Running Day and a Winner!!

This morning was the PERFECT morning for a run. Temps were in the mid 50s which was crisp and cool. I have decided that is my ideal temp for a run. In long sleeves I get hot after a few miles, but in a tank and skirt or shorts I feel completely comfortable once I get moving.

Today my running buddies met me at my house at 5:30am for a honey badger run of 7 miles to celebrate what is surely one of my favorite days of the year – National Running Day!

The trail was packed with runners – everyone looked happy to be out there and we were no exception. We saw runners we see almost every morning and instead of the usual silent smile as we passed them, we wished them “HaPpY RuNniNg DaY!!” and even became “woooo girls” and threw our arms up in the air in excitement on occasion. It felt GOOD to be out there with my girlfriends. Doing what we love. Celebrating our passion for the sport and the joy and friendships it has brought into our lives.

When the run was done, I think I can speak for all four of us when I say we were pretty much blissed out. Happy and grateful. Sweaty and ALL SMILES.

I happen to be one of those people who feels that every day is a great day for a run. I LOVE that our sport has a holiday and I love thinking that there are people all over everywhere who are making sure they lace up their shoes today for a run – whether they’ve been running for years or are new to the sport. Whether they are a sprinter or a long distance runner. Whether they’re eight years old or eighty years old. I love National Running Day!

And I also love that I have a winner of my favorite things giveaway! I am so excited to announce that Jordan (@j_mosh) is the winner! Jordan, please email me at jessica.hofheimer@gmail.com in the next week so I can get you your awesome package! If I don’t hear from you my next Wednesday, June 13th I will have to pick a new winner.

Thanks so much to everyone for participating! Remember you can use the coupon code bloggerslovenuun for 15% off your purchases at http://www.nuun.com.

Are you making sure to run today for National Running Day? Do you have any other fun plans to celebrate it?

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