I know that the time will pass, no matter how I choose to spend it. I want to live my life passionately, not take myself too seriously yet use my brain to be self-aware and present. To take care of my body so that when I am older I will be an active participant in this thing called my life. Aging is inevitable, but are there things I can do now to stay young?
When my children are all out of the house I will be in my mid-50s. I imagine myself a vibrant, energetic, open-minded and joyful person – then and beyond. Still a work in progress, still striving to improve myself and still looking for adventure. In my 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s…I hope to be able to stand at the starting line of a race and test my limits, enjoy feeling alive and celebrate all of life’s blessings. I want to be the youngest old lady you will ever meet.
The choices we make today, the habits we create for ourselves … they matter. Running has become an outlet for me and a way in which I strengthen my body, my mind and my spirit. I believe it is a key ingredient in my personal recipe of what it will take for me to live a youthful, long life. Running is my movement, it keeps things within me fluid. Without it I fear I shall go stiff and harden (both inside and out) … be grumpy and stagnant. I can’t worry about the future for I don’t know what lies ahead. I can only live in this moment and live it to its fullest. But I believe that when my life includes regular running I am doing something good for myself, somehow tapping into the fountain of youth … somehow increasing my chances of dying young as many years from now as humanly possible.