February Reflections + March Goals

Last night as my family and I sat down at the dinner table for “Taco Tuesday” the topic of conversation was all about February. We listed off all of the exciting things that happened and accomplishments that were realized over the last 28 days, and it filled my heart with such joy! We had a good month in our household ❤:
  • Gus turned 6! We celebrated with me having lunch with him and his buddies at school and also had a family party at home with a cake made by Abby. Then about 10 days later we took him and some of his friends to see the Lego Batman movie!
  • Will scored his first goal on his travel soccer team! We were all SO excited about this.
  • My sister and her family came to visit us for the first time in our new home, all the way from upstate NY! Having them here was for sure a highlight of our month.
  • Abby had her final middle school dance of the year.
  • Robert was promoted!
  • I started a new job and will be teaching Pilates at Lifetime Fitness.
  • I found a good doctor for my foot, had another MRI and now have a diagnosis and treatment plan. I made lots of healing progress this month, and am heading towards March with a clearer path. My foot has a partial tear and a mass of scar tissue in the plantar fascia. Dr. Boggess will do a procedure called “Tenex” and use guided ultrasound to clean out the damaged tissue.
  • We chose a paint color for our powder room!
  • I decided to sign up for an open water swim race this summer. I’m going to go with the 1 mile distance. Race is July 22.
  • Our dog Riley had eye surgery, and is recovering from it well! Thank goodness.
  • Abby and I went on a great “girls date” to get our nails done together.
  • Robert and I had a “day date” – a day when all the kids were in school but neither of us had to work! We went for a long walk together on the American Tobacco Trail and also went to this cool place in Durham called the ReUse Warehouse and looked for reclaimed house stuff for our bathroom. Didn’t find anything but it was fun to poke around!
  • Will and I completed our read-aloud book together. I loved reading with him like that so, so much. It was an awesome mystery by Carl Hiassen, called SCAT.
  • The boys had a camp out in our backyard one night! They slept in a tent, read together and just made a fantastic memory.
  • Robert hung the hammock that I bought him for Christmas 🙂
  • Garmin published an article about the workouts that Robert and I have been doing together! You can read it here: http://bit.ly/2kSPGvt

We definitely had some bumps in our road in February, like the 2 WEEKS that ALL of us were sick with a nasty cold virus (Will missed 5 days of school!) and the road to getting Riley her eye surgery was rough – 4 vet appointments and worries that she may have a tumor or glaucoma. She is 15 and I am always teetering between being so thankful that she is still around and relatively healthy, and feeling sad that it is evident that she is so old and may not be around much longer. But honestly, we rode out the tough stuff well and overall it was a truly wonderful February!

We are heading into March with a lot on our calendar, as well as some goals! I am really loving the reflective practice we do as a family, and how we support one another in our efforts to accomplish our personal goals. It is a habit I am enjoying cultivating not only for my family members but also for myself. We are in this together.

So, with all that in mind, here are my personal goals for March:

  • Plan 1-1 dates with each member of my family. I am thinking of taking a cake decorating class with Abby at Michael’s, want to have lunch with Will at school, take Gus out for ice cream, and see some local music or art with Robert.
  • Read a chapter book aloud with Mister Gus.
  • Start teaching some clients and classes! I spent my first 2 weeks in my new job getting organized and acquainted. I’m ready to teach, and so excited to do so!
  • Have my foot procedure (tomorrow!!), and follow the treatment protocol for healing.
  • Paint the bathroom.
  • Schedule check ups for my boys.
  • Sign the boys up for summer camps.
  • Register for my open water swim race!
  • Stay on track with my nutrition, hydration & movement goals.
  • Write one article for Garmin.
  • Connect with friends, sisters and my mom – at least one quality connection a week – some ideas I have are to schedule a lunch date, go for a walk, write and mail cards/letters.

I am looking forward to the month ahead. Definitely nervous about the foot …. but also hopeful and grateful!

What were your February highlights? What are you looking forward to or reaching for in March?



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