contemplating two fall marathons

I trained hard for the 2009 Marine Corps Marathon and was in excellent shape heading into that race.  Race day came though and something went wrong.  I completely fell apart about halfway through.  Pain settled in and had me stopping to stretch a bunch along the course.  When I realized I wasn’t going to make my time goal I let it get the best of me.  The race wasn’t going the way I wanted it to.  Emotionally, mentally…I was a mess.  It was not one of my shining moments.  I let disappointment overshadow my achievements of the day, of my journey.   

I will never let that happen again.  

I am smarter than that.  I am stronger.  I am a fighter.  I am worth it.

A few weeks later, I ran the Richmond Half Marathon.  I remember thinking I wished I had signed up for the full, so I could give it another shot and potentially redeem myself after MCM.  Never having run two marathons so close together though, I decided to stick with the half.  My goal was to break two hours and I missed it by a little over a minute but truly didn’t care.  I did my best and enjoyed myself and the serenely beautiful and challenging course.  It was a great day.

So, here’s the thing.  For some crazy reason I’m contemplating a second fall marathon.  I’ve been hemming and hawing about it for weeks and this is what I think I’ve decided — sign up for the full and I can always switch to the half if necessary.  No matter what though, I am going to enjoy myself and do my best.

Have you ever done two marathons just weeks apart?  Have you ever planned on a full and switched to the half or vice-versa?

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