changes and feeling grateful

This week has been a doozy for me.  It’s been full of changes in our routine.  Changes that I welcome and that I’m happy about, but even still these changes have made me feel a bit out of whack as I try to get used to the new normal.  I know we will get into a groove and I’ll feel balanced again, but it has been hard for me these last few days.  With our new school schedule, the later sunrise, tee ball and soccer practices/games for two kids and the baby falling into more predictable nap times, I’m having to switch everything up around here. 

No more early morning runs on the track – they have to be done on the treadmill now.  No more Saturday long runs with my training group – I will have to get them done on Sundays.  No more weight training in the middle of the morning – now I have to get to the gym by 6AM twice a week to fit them in. 

I have to adapt and fit things in when I can so everyone can get where they need to be when they need to be there.  I have to MAKE the time for myself.  It is not an option for me to let my personal priorities slip through the cracks.  Period.  That doesn’t mean it’s easy, though.

Despite feeling the stress of the balancing act, there have been a lot of wonderful highs this week.  I have a grateful heart and here are just a few of the reasons for that…

I am proud of my daughter.  Abby started at a new (big!) school on Tuesday and is having zero adjustment issues.  Yesterday she informed me that she feels like she’s been there “for ten years” and that she “fits right in.”  Seeing her confidence and knowing that not an ounce of it is feigned makes me happier than I can describe.  I am so proud of her because of who she is.  I’m so thankful that she articulates her thoughts and feelings so freely to me and her father.  This is going to be a great school year for my sweet Abby!

first day of first grade

Baby Gus is 7 months old: He is one busy guy – crawling, sitting up, eating solids three times a day, laughing, chatting, exploring and snuggling.  He brings me so much joy.  I seriously cannot believe how quickly the last 7 months have flown by.

yay for 7 months!

Good race photos: I got the pics from my race on Sunday.  Brightroom was charging a gazillion dollars for them, but a friend was able to get them for me with her fancy computer know-how so I have them free of charge.  I am so happy!  And grateful!  I usually hate my race photos, but I am really happy with these puppies:

post race happy

pushing to the finish

crossing the line with a new PR!

All week I have been thinking about that race.  I’m so thankful that I ran smart, steady and strong.

I can’t wait for my marathon.

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