a thank you

One of the biggest reasons that I write this blog is because I truly love the community of people who read and write them.  I am inspired by all of you each and every day and I sincerely enjoy reading about your training, your goals and your accomplishments, as well how you balance it all while living the rest of your lives.  It is a wonderful group of people and I am SO grateful to be a part of it.

Every time one of you comments on my blog, it makes me so very happy.  I cherish what you have to say and am thankful that you took the time to share.  Your encouragement and support, your ideas and advice, your stories and experiences – I LOVE IT ALL.

I get frustrated with Blogger because the system makes it hard for me to reply to many of you.  Unless you have your profile set up to include your email address, I am out of luck in responding directly to you.  If I leave a comment in reply on my blog chances are you will never see it unless you revisit the post.  I’m thinking about switching over to WordPress for this very reason, and I may get around to it one of these days.  But in the meantime, I just wanted to say a big THANK YOU to all of you here – so that you know how grateful I am and that the fact that you take the time to read what I have to say really means so much to me.

Thank you thank you thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

Do you have a Blogger blog and experience the same frustrations with the commenting system?  Have you switched from Blogger to WordPress and found it to be so much better?  I feel like so many people are doing that.

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