Mile Markers by Kristin Armstrong ~ my first giveaway

I’ve been reading Mile Markers – The 26.2 Most Important Reasons Why Women Run by Kristin Armstrong for the past week or so.  It is hands-down absolutely one of the BEST books on running and mothering that I have ever read.  It’s one of those books that is making an impact on me with each page I turn.  I want every woman I know to read it, even if they don’t run or aren’t moms (but especially if they do and are).  I want every man who is married to a woman who runs to read it.  I’ve read passages out loud to my husband and re-read them over and over for myself.  I have laughed out loud.  I have cried.  Kristin is an incredibly talented writer.  Her craft with words is beautiful.  The book is a compilation of blog entries from Kristin’s Mile Markers blog on Runner’s World.  I’ve been reading her blog for a while and when I learned of this book I knew I had to read it.  It came out not long after my baby was born so it took me a while to get started but now I can’t put it down.  I already know I will read it more than once and that it will have a permanent place in my nightstand so I can turn to it frequently.

I am passionate about this book and I want to share it with someone who will enjoy it as much as I do, or who will pass it along to someone they believe will benefit from it.

So, with that said…drumroll please…I am hosting my first giveaway!  The prize is a copy of this incredible book.  Here are the details:

To gain entry you have to do the following (the more you do, the more chances you have to win!).  Leave comments for me so I know you entered.

  • become a follower of my blog
  • post about it on your blog
  • post a link to it on your facebook page
As my kindergartener would say – easy peezy, lemon squeezy.  I will announce the winner on Monday, May 2nd.

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