three things

1.  Today is Day 4 of no processed sugar and no gluten.  Days 1 and 2 were hard for me but bearable because I had so much new resolve and determination.  Last night was SO HARD.  I ate so many grapes and clementines in my effort to stave off the urge to devour carbo-loaded sugary things after dinner.  I seriously thought I was going to go crazy and felt like I needed to go watch American Idol up in my bed instead of downstairs near the kitchen to avoid temptation, so that is what I did.  Sugar cravings are strong — this exercise of resisting them is showing me a lot about myself.  I’m hoping it will get easier with time, because ohmygosh I do not want to feel that way every single day of trying to do this.
2.  I’m racing a 5K this coming Saturday.  It’s the first 5K I’ve run since having baby Gus, who is 12 weeks old now.  I’ve decided that I’m going to give it my all and put everything I have out on the line for this race.  I don’t really love 5Ks compared to other distances – they are harder for me – but that is why they are good for me.  I’m looking at this race as a benchmark for myself.  That is what this year is about for me as I’m coming back from my pregnancy. I’m getting stronger and faster with each week of training and I’m working hard.  I WILL see results in my race times.
3.  My allergies are crazy right now – hello oak pollen everywhere! – and the post nasal drip that goes along with them makes me feel extra nauseous when I’m running.  I am a weirdo about medicine and try to avoid taking it unless absolutely necessary (especially while nursing my baby), but I may have to take something to get me through the month of May without my head exploding.  

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