3 months

Yesterday my sweet baby Gus turned 3 months old.  Wow, I cannot believe how time flies when you’re having fun.  When I was pregnant, 3 months was an ETERNITY.  Now that my baby is here time is wizzing by and I simply cannot believe he is 3 months old.  He is pure bliss and I am so in love.
3 months old!!

Along with all the other fun things about having a 3 month old (smiles, giggles, cooing, longer stretches between feedings, etc) there is one other exciting milestone we have crossed: Gus can go to the daycare at my gym!  The people who watch my kids there while I work out are wonderful.  These ladies love my children and my kids are always so excited to go there to play and see their friends.  Yesterday I brought Gus in while the big kids were at school so I could introduce him to the care providers and get everyone comfortable with him going there (myself included).  It couldn’t have gone better – he was awake and happy when I dropped him off and when I came back about 45 minutes later he was fast asleep and peaceful.  Ahhhh, relief.  Today we went back again and it went smoothly again.  Thank goodness!

I’ve been running well lately and am starting to get my groove back.  Last week my mileage was at 29.4 miles for the week.  My goal was to get it up to 30 per week before marathon training begins on June 18.  Clearly that will NOT be a problem so I am going to up my goal and aim to get my weekly mileage up to 40 miles/week by June 18.  I’m going to keep my long runs between 10-15 miles.  I’m SO excited for June 18 to get here … I can’t wait to begin training for MCM and to meet my coaches and all the other runners!  In the meantime though I’m working hard to get my strength back and build my mileage.  It is hard work, but totally worth it!

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