Something about the track makes me feel like a real athlete. A real runner. Being there is my way of saying that this 35 year old mom of three is not just built to pack lunches, pick up toys, draw pictures, change diapers, drive a minivan and settle sibling disputes, etc (though, make no mistake, I am proud and grateful to be doing these things). This body of mine can do so much more than that. This spirit of mine is strong and determined. I decide who I am and what I will do on that track. I define my SELF. With each circle I complete, I am renewed and fulfilled and reminded of the strength that lies within me. It is peaceful, yet exhilarating. Though the workout will be tiring and challenging somehow I will go home with more energy and life – more of myself – to share with my beautiful children and my wonderful husband.
There is work to be done on that track, and I will rise to meet it. I will be a better me, a truer me, because of it.